Current Version
Version Highlights
Released on 19 April 2024
Our first release for the year is finally ready and it includes some exciting improvements. We’re implementing a new user interface framework which will greatly modernise the software, making it even easier to use than ever before. Implementing this is going to take time so we’ll be rolling out the improvements over the course of the year. In addition to improving readability, it is now possible to select one of the many available modern themes and even a dark theme.
Below are some screen prints to demonstrate the new HR Manage look.
Training Management Module
With this version, we’re introducing Published Training Events. These events can be accessed from the web (on a calendar) and training can be requested for these events. The training requests are integrated with the workflow module so every step of the process can be controlled from approval of learners, generating the quotation, uploading the purchase order and finally creating the training records on the system for approved learners.
More information with screen prints will be added soon.
Previous Version
Version Highlights
Released on 4 October 2023
Version released on 29 September 2023
Version released on 7 September 2023
Version released on 23 August 2023
Employee Management
The Employee Management module in the Windows application has been upgraded to the new platform. The module has been running solidly for over 12 years. The User Interface is now fresh, yet familiar and easy to use. The other modules are again seemlessly integrated, but are now more visually appealing with graphical representations. Not only is the UI easier to use, it now provides more information on demand. Most complex fields can now simply be “expanded” to see contextual information about the selected record without leaving the screen.
The Custom Data framework has been extended to the employees and it is now possible to create various types of custom fields and even group them by custom defined headings. The Employee Editor will also support custom developed plugins that can be developed and deployed per client where extreme custom functionality is required.
The ability update employees in large batches have also been redone and not only does it make it easier now, it also supports additional features like manually linking batches of people to custom requirement groups and even updating leave balances (which used to be a completely separate screen).
Compliance Management
A lot of work has also been done on the Compliance Management functionality (with a lot more to come in the next versions, including electronic signatures). Management and overview of employee compliance can now easily been seen for an employee and easily updatable. Web application also allows managers to view the compliance status graphically for their sub-ordinates.
Version Highlights
Released on 17 March 2023
Various smaller improvements and upgrades were done. HR Manage now uses the .NET Framework 4.8, the password security options have been extended and HR Manage now uses a new configuration platform.
Workflows of specified types can now be monitored and escalated automatically of they’ve been idle for more than a certain number of days. The process will send out an email containing a list of all idle workflows to the people involved.
Email Groups
Email groups can now be defined in the system and integrated with the Workflow module. It allows for sending emails from the workflow to external recipients with links to attachments / compliance data within the workflow. It can be configured which attachments will be available to the external recipients and a secure link will be generated for accessing each attachment.